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How to get AUSTRALIA VISA? What are the requirements? Are you eligible? What is your Chance of getting VISA? How to prepare SOP and How to be prepare for possible admission & visa interview. What is GTE requirement? PSW and PR opportunity. Let us know your profile and we will advice best suit for you. Visit office for detail information.

What are the 4 criteria to be eligible for Australia study visa?

Academic Profile | English Proficiency | Financial requirements | GTE requirements

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) require a number of criteria to be met to provide a student visa:
=>The student must be accepted into full-time study
=>The student must be a genuine temporary entrant
=>The student must meet health requirements
=>The student must be of a suitable age
=>The student must have a “good” character
=>The student must not have any debts to the Australian Government
In addition, if higher risk criteria apply:
The student must meet specified financial requirements
The student must demonstrate appropriate English language skills

GTE Requirements (Genuine Temporary Entrant )

Some factors that the department considers as part of the GTE requirement include:
-the circumstances in the applicant’s home country
-the applicant’s potential circumstances in Australia
-the applicant’s immigration history
-the value of the course to the applicant’s future
-any other matter relevant to the applicant’s intention to stay temporarily.

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